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Writer's pictureElla Park


Color can be an extremely useful tool when drawing focus around an image. The photo below is an uncommon composition in my work. I usually gravitate towards diagonal lines that create movement through the image. But here, the dominant lines are vertical.

The sign post is vertical and lines up with the person walking below it. The door frame creates dark, vertical lines around the subject, emphasizing the sense of stillness. It doesn't feel like the contents of the image are still, but they are kept still by the image. The pedestrian and car are brought to a "stop" by the photo, which is reflected in the stop sign connecting them.

Red can mean a lot of different things depending on how it is used. In this case, it is used in one of the most common occurrences we encounter daily. Additionally, the rest of the image is very primary as well, with the yellow truck and blue shadows on the buildings. The person looking at the camera stands out as having minimal color and is dressed almost completely in grey. The lines and colors in this composition work together to highlight the subject and supporting aspects of the photo.


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