Legal protection for artists is crucial in ensuring that their creative works are respected and properly compensated.
Copyright laws, for example, give artists the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute their work, and to control how those works are used by others. Without these protections, it would be much easier for others to profit from an artist's creations without their permission or compensation. Legal protections also help to ensure that artists' rights are respected, and that their creative works are valued and appreciated in society.
Additionally, photo release waiver is important for ensuring that individuals have given their consent for their image to be used in photographs or videos, particularly in a professional or commercial context. Without a release, the use of an individual's image without their consent could result in legal issues. It also ensures that the individual has understanding of how their image will be used, and by whom. It's a key document to protect both the individual's rights and the photographer/creator's legal rights.
So, to provide further resources, I have created a number of contract templates that can be used as a reference or base to build an artist contract from. If you are an artist, I highly recommend at minimum looking them over to familiarize yourself with the type of language that will help protect you and your work.